Saturday, May 1, 2010


The third graders have been extending their knowledge of the family by coloring in a drawing of a family. For example, I've asked them in Spanish to use a specific colored crayon to fill in the color of an item of clothing worn by a famiy member. In this way the students have reviewed their colors, learned new items of clothing and extended their knowledge of family members.

The family vocabulary is as follows:

La familia/The family

el tío - the uncle
la tía - the aunt
el primo - the boy cousin
la prima - the girl cousin
el padre - the father
la madre - the mother
el papá - the dad
la mamá - the mom
el hijo - the son
la hija - the daughter
el abuelo - the grandfather
la abuela - the granmother

La ropa/Items of Clothing

el suéter - the sweater
los pantalones - the pants
la camisa - the shirt
la blusa - the blouse
la falda - the skirt
los zapatos - the shoes
el vestido - the dress
la chaqueta - the jaquet

Los colores/The Colors

azul - blue
amarillo - yellow
negro - black
blanco - white
rosa - pink
rojo - red
morado - purple
verde - green
café (marrón) - brown

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